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How (and Why) To Do a Detox Program

The first thing to understand about a detox is that your body is already set up to detoxify itself.

So, why is it important to perform a detox?

Unfortunately, we are constantly overloading our bodies with toxins, so our body's natural detoxifying processes have a hard time keeping up. Rather than waiting on our bodies to get so overloaded that we reach the point of crisis, it is smart to help detoxify the body on a regular basis.

The way we do this is by helping the organs of elimination clear themselves out.

Organs of Elimination

The major organs of elimination are the colon, the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, and the skin. For most people, the first three (colon, liver, kidneys) are the most important to detox--and it is important to detox these organs in that order.

Phase 1: Colon Detox

When we look at detoxifying the colon, a major consideration is water consumption. For adults, a general rule of thumb is to consume at least half your body weight in ounces of water each day. By this standard, the average person does not consume nearly enough water on a daily basis.

With that being said, the first step in detoxifying the colon is to increase your water intake and remove toxic beverages, such as diet sodas, from your diet. In fact, even drinks that we don't normally think of as "bad" for you -- such as coffee or tea -- can slow down the detoxifying process because too much caffeine can stretch out your kidneys and adrenals.

After we have adjusted our water consumption, another area to consider during a colon detox is your fiber intake. Fiber is a major factor in your digestive health, aiding in the proper absorption and movement of nutrients through your body. One of the most easily-identifiable signs that your body needs more fiber is irregular bowel movements. If your bowel movements are not in the neighborhood of 2-3 times per day (or once after each major meal), you may need to add more fiber to your diet.

During this portion of the colon detox, we also look at eliminating wheat and gluten, which can hinder your digestive system's performance. Gluten acts like glue inside your bowels, preventing food from passing through your system properly. The effects of these substances can be controlled with a soluble fiber supplement, such as Metamucil.

When combined with proper daily water consumption, soluble fiber sources can help clean out your colon by pulling any gluten and other debris out of your system. Once you regain proper mobility in your bowels, your body is ready to undergo Phase 2 of your detox program.

Phase 2: Liver Detox

The liver detox phase focuses on both oxidation and conjugation. During the oxidation portion, the liver uses oxygen and enzymes to oxidize (or burn) environmental toxins in order to make them soluble so they can be excreted from the body. The oxidation process can be enhanced by performing a "juice fast," where you consume fruit and vegetable juices along with a gentle herbal cleansing formula.

Some of the most effective substances include beet, asparagus, celery and apple juices along with herbal cleansers, such as Xymogen MedCaps Dual Phase Optimizers (or DPOs). This product helps the liver through both phases of detoxification by providing sulfur-bearing amino acids, bioflavinoids, and herbs that are necessary to the conjugation phase of the liver detox.

Phase 3: Kidney Detox

Fortunately, many of the steps advised above, such as proper water intake and diet control, will also help keep your kidneys clean and healthy. The phosphorus found in many sodas can be extremely harmful to your kidneys, so it is essential that sodas remain eliminated from your diet during the kidney detox phase.

The final step in the detoxification process is to begin a consistent nutrition regimen that includes:

Why Regular Detoxes are Necessary for Your Health In today's world, it is nearly impossible to completely avoid putting toxins into our body. Things like artificial sweeteners or foods that we may have sensitivities or allergies to can wreck havoc on our digestive systems. Even those who eat organic can come in contact with more toxins that anyone would have dreamed of 80 years ago. Consistently exposing the body to toxins over time can increase your risk for developing more serious health conditions or cancers--especially within your digestive areas like the liver, pancreas, colon, or stomach.

The solution is simple: if you keep your vital organs of elimination functioning properly by detoxing on a regular basis, you keep your body healthy.


*This article includes excerpts from "Made Whole: Regaining the Health Your Body Was Born to Enjoy by Working With the Missing Pieces of Wellness" written by chiropractic physician, Dr. Douglas B. Cook, D.C. To purchase this book, visit the Nutrition Store inside the Oklahoma Health and Wellness Center.

**The information in this post is based on the opinion of the authors and is intended for general consumer understanding. Read our full disclaimer here.

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